Link to Archived Exhibits
Past shows
Adam Grosowsky
Gone Midnight Noviembre 30, 2022 - Enero 14, 2023 * New work added, January 2023! Karin Clarke Gallery is pleased to present an exhibit of of new paintings by Adam Grosowsky. This exhibit, called Gone Midnight, reflects the late night hours he put into his dramatic large-scale works. Grosowsky’s work is filled with passion and energy, which might explain... Leer más -
One of A Kind Jewelry by Arianna Nicolai
Noviembre 1 - 30, 2022 The November show at Karin Clarke at the Gordon, will be something different this month. The gallery will showcase handmade jewelry inspired by elemental forms within Oregon's natural beauty by local artist Arianna Nicolai. Meet the artist on First Friday Nov 4th 5:30 at Karin Clarke at the Gordon .... Leer más -
Justin Bradshaw
Selected Small Paintings Octubre 26 - Noviembre 26, 2022 Leer más -
Olga Volchkova
Icons of Nature Octubre 26 - Noviembre 26, 2022 Karin Clarke Gallery is pleased to present new and original work by Eugene artist Olga Volchkova. Icons of Nature is a continued exploration of Volchkova's love of plants, celebrating their magical, historical, and benefitial qualities. One of the themes she presents in a large piece is Plants and Science , dedicated to... Leer más -
Views of the Coastland
Octubre 1 - 31, 2022 Karin Clarke at the Gordon is featuring paintings inspired by the picturesque Oregon coast for the month of October. A complementary mini show contributing the love and passion for our coast. Invited artists include Heather Jacks, Mark Clark, Nelson Sandgren and others. More infromation on the Artists: Heather Jacks Mark... Leer más -
The Edge of the Ocean
Coastal Works by Nelson Sandgren, Mark Clarke, and Craig Spilman Septiembre 14 - Octubre 22, 2022 Bold, plein air Watercolors by Nelson Sandgren; atmospheric acrylic paintings on canvas by Mark Clarke, and luminous graphite drawings by Craig Spilman, all of our beautiful Oregon coastline. Leer más -
Selected Work by Carl Hall (1921 - 1996)
Septiembre 1 - 30, 2022 For the month of September, Karin Clarke at the Gordon is proud to present one of Oregon's finest and most expressive visual interpreters - Carl Hall (1921 - 1996) . Hall was featured in the 1940s in life magazine and referred to as an American Magic Realist for his lush... Leer más -
The 2022 Eugene Biennial
Celebrating exceptional art of our region! Agosto 3 - Septiembre 10, 2022 Congratulations to the selected artists: Stephanie Ames * Mark Anderson * Benjamin Butler * Suma Elan Kathleen Caprario * Frederique Chateau * Sarah Ciampa * Bets Cole Ron Conrad * Doug Davidovich * Janine Etherington * Jan Lintz Kris Hurwit * Vicki Idema * Heather Jacks * Mary Frisbee Johnson... Leer más -
Farmers Market
At the Gordon location: An invitational group show celebrating the bounty of the season. Agosto 1 - 31, 2022 Karin Clarke at the Gordon celebrates the bounty of summer with an invitational group exhibit called “Farmers Market.” Oregon artists including Mark Clarke (1935-2016), Humberto Gonzalez, Bets Cole, and many other’s work will be on display. This exhibit will be part of Visual Arts Week, a partnership between Lane Arts... Leer más -
Northwest Artist Erik Sandgren
Recent paintings on display at Karin Clarke at the Gordon Julio 1 - 30, 2022 Sandgren's work focuses on the mountains, trees , water, and skies of the dramatic Northwest landscape. On occasion a figure or group of figures is present, sometimes fishing or walking along the Oregon coast. He is also well admired for his large scale public murals in Washington, including the famous... Leer más -
Adam Grosowsky
Spotlight show: NEW WORK Junio 29 - Julio 30, 2022 Adam Grosowsky: New Work June 29 - July 30, 2022 Reception for artists: Friday, July 1, 5:30-7:30 pm For the month of July, Karin Clarke Gallery will feature two spotlight two artists in the main gallery: gallery owner Karin Clarke ; and retired LCC instructor Adam Grosowsk y. Grosowsky has... Leer más -
Karin Clarke: Return to the Chateau
Recent paintings from France Junio 29 - Julio 30, 2022 Leer más -
Remembering Robert Schlegel
Mayo 18 - Junio 25, 2022 Robert Schlegel was one of the region's favorite artists and one of the gallery’ s most collected. He was a lifetime resident of Banks, Oregon, where he painted full time from 2002 until his untimely death in the summer of 2021. This exhibit features a small selection of early work,... Leer más -
Small paintings and collages by the late Mark Clarke
Karin Clarke at the Gordon Mayo 2 - 31, 2022 Leer más -
The Abstract Dispatch
New work by Chelsea Beaudrie, Jenny Gray, and Zoë Cohen Abril 13 - Mayo 14, 2022 The Abstract Dispatch: New work by Chelsea Beaudrie, Jenny Gray and Zoe Cohen April 13th-May 14th, 2022 Artist reception: April 15th, 5:30-7:30 First Friday ArtWalk: May 6th, 5:30-7:30 Leer más -
Printmaker Heather Halpern
"New Prints" at the Gordon location Abril 1 - 30, 2022 Karin Clarke at the Gordon is pleased to welcome Eugene artist, Heather Halpern, as Featured Artist for the month of April. Halpern is widely admired as an accomplished artist, art instructor, and founder of our local community printmaking studio, Whiteaker Printmakers. On display will be a selection of her new... Leer más -
Humberto Gonzalez and Hart James
Hart James: The Wild in the Flow / Humberto Gonzalez - Oregon Landscape: Glimpse and Wonder Marzo 2 - Abril 9, 2022 Leer más -
James Kroner
New Paintings Enero 19 - Febrero 26, 2022 Washington-based, contemporary realist painter, James Kroner presents his second solo show at Karin Clarke Gallery. Known for his strong emphasis on composition, mood, light and atmosphere, Kroner’s oil paintings draw a lot of interest on the national art scene. His work has been exhibited in both solo and group shows... Leer más -
Heather Jacks
at the Gordon Enero 1 - 31, 2022 ARTIST TALK ON FACEBOOK LIVE Heather Jacks is a contemporary painter and photographer currently living in Oregon. Heather's Process Painting is an expressive and cathartic process for me. I start with no preconceived notion about what the work will become. I listen to my intuition and let the surfaces emerge.... Leer más -
Adam Grosowsky: Every Now and Every Then
New Paintings and Very Old Prints Diciembre 1, 2021 - Enero 15, 2022 Karin Clarke Gallery is pleased to present an exhibit of new grand-scale oil paintings by Eugene painter Adam Grosowsky. To accompany his paintings, Adam has framed a series of his college-era fine art prints. The prints are particularly interesting to see in relation to his most recent work.
The subject matter in these new paintings ranges from human figures with birds and animals, to local landscapes, and what he calls Hopperesque scenes.
Adam received his BA in Fine Arts from Evergreen College in 1981, then continued on to achieve an MA (1984) and an MFA (1986) in Printmaking from the University of Iowa, which offered the first MFA printmaking program in the US. There he studied under the famed Argentinian printmaker Mauricio Lasansky (1914-2012), who established the School of Printmaking at the university
Adam relocated to Eugene and moved from printmaking to oil painting. His work immediately caught the attention of numerous west coast art dealers. Adam was hired by Lane Community College, where he taught printmaking, drawing, and painting from 1990 until his retirement in 2019.
Karin Clarke Gallery will be closed December 25 - January 1, except by appointment. The Gordon gallery will remain open. Leer más