OLGA VOLCHKOVA Russian/American, 1970
St. Camassia Quamash - Print available
14" x 12"
Signed print available $100
Signed print available $100
From the 'Oregon Native Saints' series. At the end of spring I walked around Mount Pisgah's arboretum. Grasses were still lush, filled with moisture. The hot Oregon summer hadn't started...
From the "Oregon Native Saints" series.
At the end of spring I walked around Mount Pisgah's arboretum. Grasses were still lush, filled with moisture. The hot Oregon summer hadn't started yet. Most of the spring flowers were already done with blooming. But bright blue stars were glowing inside of the green pastures, buzzing with young bees and insects. I see a beautiful blue crane, flying very very slowly, looking for the little shrews that love to eat camus bulbs. These bulbs were used for millennia by local natives, as a stable source of sugar and starch.